Gene expression analysis

With more than 15 years of expertise in gene expression analysis, supported by more than 20,000 citations of peer reviewed articles, Biogazelle is your preferred partner for all your gene expression studies.

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Copy number analysis

The combination of our front running expertise in digital PCR, our best-in-class assay design capabilities and our ISO17025 accredited and GCLP-compliant lab environment makes Biogazelle the preferred partner for all your gene copy number analysis studies.

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SNP genotyping analysis

qPCR using hydrolysis probes is the most commonly used PCR method for genotyping. Biogazelle offers medium and large-scale genotyping studies using TaqMan SNP Genotyping Assays.

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mutation detection

Mutation detection

Cancer gene mutations are increasingly being used as biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment stratification, and monitoring of therapy response. At Biogazelle digital PCR is used for detection of specific cancer gene mutations in DNA or RNA, whereas RNA sequencing technology is used to study transcriptome wide gene mutations in RNA.

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fusion gene detection

Fusion gene detection

Fusion transcripts are hallmarks and common drivers in cancer, making them ideal targets for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. At Biogazelle RNA sequencing technology is used to study transcriptome wide fusion genes in RNA, whereas digital PCR is used for detection of known fusion genes in DNA or RNA.

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Custom primer design

Using our proprietary and ISO17025 accredited primerXL design engine, we design best-in-class PCR primers and probes. We trust on our profound knowledge and many years of experience when developing and validating PCR assays that fulfil the end-user requirements.

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antisense oligo screening

Antisense oligo screening

Biogazelle has extensive experience with various antisense technologies to modulate RNA expression. Through four unique modules, we provide expertise to support your antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) drug development pipeline.

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Sample preparation

A successful experiment starts with a good experiment design. We use validated procedures for nucleic acid extraction. These procedures have been carefully selected to suit the downstream applications offered by Biogazelle.

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RNA sequencing

RNA sequencing is state-of-the-art technology for unbiased, specific and sensitive quantification of coding and non-coding RNA transcripts. In addition to classic RNA abundance analysis, Biogazelle also exploits the structural information encoded in the transcriptome, such as splice variants, gene fusions, mutations, and RNA editing events.

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quantitative PCR

Quantitative PCR

It is well known that qPCR based approaches for gene expression studies have excellent sensitivity, specificity, linear dynamic range of quantification, next to a high level of flexibility. As expert qPCR service provider, Biogazelle supports any qPCR-based application, using either off-the-shelf qPCR assays or expertly designed and validated custom primers.

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Digital PCR

Digital PCR (dPCR) enables nucleic acid quantification with superior accuracy, precision and relative sensitivity. Biogazelle is at the forefront of digital PCR-based research. Over the years, we have performed various dPCR projects for our customers, both in research and clinical trial setting.

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This is why our clients choose Biogazelle

Extensive expertise, experience and quality
Bespoke project management
  • Understanding your needs and specific scientific questions in order to provide the right solution
  • Guidance in experiment design and discussion of your data analysis needs

  • Dedicated and cross-functional team of experienced, PhD-level project managers and data analysis experts

  • Open, personalized and straightforward communication
  • Agile project management