Digital PCR (dPCR) enables nucleic acid quantification with superior accuracy, precision and relative sensitivity. This technology excels in quantification of low abundant genes or small differences, absolute quantification, gene copy number variation, and rare event detection, such as cancer gene mutations. As absolute concentrations are determined, data can be easily interpreted and compared across different samples and experiments, especially in a clinical setting.
Download our infographic to brush up on your digital PCR knowledge.
Related topics: copy number analysis, mutation detection, fusion gene detection, custom primer design, sample preparation, clinical trials, test development, liquid biopsies, data analysis

“My key reasons for choosing Biogazelle as a service provider is
Biogazelle's expertise with qPCR and ddPCR, and the possibility to
perform ddPCR feasibility studies.”
Principal Research Scientist at top 10 pharma company (Belgian division)
Applications of digital PCR
Over the years, Biogazelle has performed various dPCR projects for its customer, both in research and clinical trial setting, including
- mutation detection and copy number analysis on cell-free DNA and DNA extracted from FFPE tissue for cancer diagnostics and monitoring of patient response to treatment
- quantification of pathogenic organisms
- splice variant quantification
- quantification of reference materials used in GMO analysis
- gene copy number quantification to determine the stability of transgenic cells or organisms
- various additional customized dPCR-based applications
As expert dPCR service provider, Biogazelle supports any dPCR-based application, using either off-the-shelf qPCR assays or including custom primer design.
Biogazelle is a digital PCR expert
Biogazelle is at the forefront of dPCR-based research, as it was one of the first European laboratories that had access to the technology in 2012. Biogazelle’s co-founders dr. Jan Hellemans and prof. dr. Jo Vandesomple are co-author on the digital MIQE guidelines. Biogazelle is also serving as a reference laboratory for Bio-Rad’s QX200 Digital Droplet PCR system in Europe and uses its experience to provide digital PCR services, including dPCR assay design using our proprietary primerXL design engine. Digital PCR services are performed in an ISO17025 accredited environment and following the good clinical laboratory practice (GCLP) guidelines, allowing us to analyze samples in clinical trials.