Biogazelle's key presentations

Exploiting extracellular body fluid RNA for precision medicine purposes

Vandesompele J

Precision LBx Summit, San Diego, CA, United States

Validated RNA seq workflows for any exRNA type

[POSTER] mRNA capture sequencing enabled liquid biopsy screening

Vandesompele J

ESMO 2017, Madrid, Spain

poster preview

RNA capture sequencing enabled liquid biopsy screening

Vandesompele J

LKI symposium – Liquid Biopsies & Cancer, Leuven, Belgium

High number of genes detected in FFPE, plasma and serum samples.

Using the potential of RNA in body fluids for biomarker development

Hellemans J

Knowledge for Growth, Ghent, Belgium

A biomarker, or biological marker, generally refers to a measurable indicator of some biological state or condition

Liquid biopsy RNA biomarkers

Hellemans J

Nordic Life Science days, Stockholm, Sweden

In 2015, 28% of NNDs approved by FDA were precision medicines

Deploying the full transcriptome using RNA sequencing

Vandesompele J

The Non-Coding Genome, Leuven, Belgium

number of detected genes

Coding and non-coding RNA as promising basis for novel biomarker research (therapeutic targets & CDx)

Hellemans J

2nd oncology strategy meeting (Proventa), London, UK

Non-coding RNA increases potential 4x

Unlocking the untapped potential of +80,000 candidate RNA biomarkers

De Ganck A

11th Annual Biomarkers Congress 2016, Manchester, UK

mRNA pond versus total RNA pond

Decoding lncRNA functions using high-throughput pathway perturbation

Mestdagh P

qPCR & NGS 2015, Freising, Germany

Database of lncRNA functions

Benchmarking of RNA-seq data processing pipelines using whole transcriptome qPCR expression data

Hellemans J

qPCR & NGS 2015, Freising, Germany

RNA sequencing - 600M reads

Updated evaluation of quantitative miRNA expression platforms in the microRNA quality control study

Vandesompele J

qPCR & NGS 2015, Freising, Germany

miRNA sequencing on human serum

Comparison of RNA sequencing with 19,319 lab validated RT-qPCR assays

Hellemans J

2nd qPCR and digital PCR congress, London, UK

Lab validation of 103053 assays

miRNA signatures as clinical biomarkers

Vandesompele J

Biomarked workshop on 'miRNA signatures as clinical biomarkers', Ghent, Belgium

better removal of noise through global mean normalization - bone marrow

Measurable impact of RNA quality on gene expression results from quantitative PCR

Vandesompele J

EMBL Master Class Following MIQE recommendation, Heidelberg, Germany

Impact of RNA quality on multigene classification

From reference genes to global mean normalization

Vandesompele J

EMBL Master Class Following MIQE recommendation, Heidelberg, Germany


Predicting non-coding RNA functions based on SmartChip highthroughput gene expression profiling

Vandesompele J

EMBO 2011 meeting, Vienna, Austria

Development of an ultra-high throughput long non-coding RNA qPCR screening system

Hellemans J

Advances in qPCR, Boston, USA

RNA tie club

Better appreciation of true biological miRNA expression differences using an improved version of the global mean normalization strategy

Hellemans J

RNAi and miRNA world congress, Boston, USA

Balancing differential expression

Dissecting microRNA function through integrative genomics

Vandesompele J

SysKid workshops, annual meeting and symposium, Innsbruck, Austria

Body map