
DNAlytics develops innovative data-driven precision medicine solutions (diagnosis, prognosis, treatment guidance) through partnerships with healthcare players such as pharmaceutical, biotechnological or In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) companies. DNAlytics wants its solutions to have a major impact on patients, healthcare practitioners and Society as a whole.

DNAlytics is a Belgian company founded in 2012 as a UCLouvain spin-off company that bases its activities on a data mining technology platform. Aside from product (co)development in rheumatology (RheumaKit) and oncology (ColonoKit), DNAlytics also provides its expertise in the form of a data mining consultancy service.

DNAlytics received various awards, namely from IBM, Microsoft, the European Commission and MIT, both for its technology and its business model. DNAlytics is our expert partner for the development of biomarker signatures within Biogazelle’s biomarker discovery workflow. For more information on Biogazelle’s biomarker development program, take a look at the discovery applications.



Illumina is improving human health by unlocking the power of the genome. The company’s focus on innovation has established it as the global leader in DNA sequencing and array-based technologies, serving customers in the research, clinical and applied markets.

Founded in 1998, Illumina is the market leader in the development of both genome and transcriptome sequencing workflows. For RNA sequencing, Illumina offers different workflows based on the gene class of interest and on the sample integrity. At Biogazelle, we routinely use Illumina library preparation methods and sequencing technologies in our discovery activities.

Born out of complementary expertise and shared interest in circulating RNA, Biogazelle and Illumina entered into a research collaboration agreement to further RNA sequencing workflows to study microRNA, messenger RNA and total RNA in body fluids. Through this collaboration, we aim to promote technological advances, enabling the analysis of circulating RNA.


Ghent University

Biogazelle was founded in 2007 as a privately held Ghent University (UGent) spin-off company by prof. Jo Vandesompele and dr. Jan Hellemans. During their activities at UGent, they developed the geNorm and qbase technologies, later commercialized in Biogazelle’s qbase+ software for qPCR data analysis. Biogazelle’s CSO Jo Vandesompele still holds a professorship position at UGent.

A strong collaboration between Biogazelle and UGent remains, leading to successful co-development activities. One example is primerXL, Biogazelle’s quantitative and digital PCR assay design pipeline, exclusively licensed from UGent and further developed by Biogazelle. Another example is the human lncRNA database LNCipedia, licensed from UGent and integrated with Ensembl to build the most comprehensive human reference transcriptome.

UGent is one of the major universities in the Dutch-speaking region of Europe. With more than 40 000 students, UGent distinguishes itself as a socially committed and pluralistic university, has a broad international perspective and ranks among the top universities worldwide.



Biogazelle and Bio-Rad have established a strong and long-lasting partnership, building on our shared focus of delivering state-of-the-art tools and high quality services and products.

Biogazelle has developed in collaboration with Bio-Rad the best-in-class PrimePCR assays. These include a collection of more than 312,000 individual real-time PCR assays for all protein coding genes for human, mouse, rat and 10 other model organisms. The qPCR assays were expertly designed using Biogazelle’s primerXL assay design engine. All human, mouse and rat assays were wet lab validated beyond international lab standards. Coming soon, the PrimePCR portfolio will be expanded with the addition of qPCR assays for almost 50,000 human long non-coding RNAs.

Biogazelle also acts as a reference center for Bio-Rad’s digital droplet PCR (ddPCR) system in Europe. Finally, Bio-Rad provides their CFX qPCR customers with Biogazelle’s qbase+ software for accurate gene expression analysis.

Bio-Rad Laboratories is a referent in the life sciences market, manufacturing and distributing a broad range of products for the life science research and clinical diagnostic markets. Bio-Rad is renowned worldwide among hospitals, universities, major research institutions, as well as biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies for its commitment to quality and customer service. Founded in 1952, Bio-Rad is headquartered in California, has more than 6500 employees, and serves more than 85,000 research and industry customers worldwide.
