Gene-expression analysis is fundamental in many fields of biological research and provides a better understanding of dynamic changes in a cell, tissue or organism. Understanding patterns of expressed coding and non-coding genes gives insight into complex regulatory networks and leads to the identification of genes relevant in biological processes, implicated in specific diseases or disease states. This information opens new opportunities for improving diagnosis and the identification of new biomarkers.

At Biogazelle RNA sequencing technology is used to study transcriptome wide gene expression, while qPCR is applied for gene expression analysis of specific genes of interest.

With more than 15 years of expertise in gene expression analysis, supported by more than 20,000 citations of peer reviewed articles and a pioneering role in the non-coding RNA field, Biogazelle is your preferred partner for all your gene expression studies.

gene expression analysis

Biogazelle has set internationally recognized standards in the field
of gene expression analysis: SEQC, miRQC, MIQE, geNorm, qbase+, RDML.


let's start


Transcriptome wide profiling with RNA sequencing

RNA sequencing enables unbiased, specific and sensitive measurement of expressed genes. Transcriptome wide gene expression analysis allows studying a disease mechanism, understanding a drug’s mode of action or developing a multi-gene biomarker signature, among other applications. Biogazelle offers a complete solution for all RNA sequencing projects on human, mouse and rat samples for a wide variety of RNA biotypes (mRNA, microRNA and lncRNA) and sample type (including liquid biopsies, whole blood and fixed tissues amongst other). 

In addition to our whole transcriptome RNA sequencing workflows, we also offer a comprehensive analysis of the cancer transcriptome using a pan-cancer panel comprised of 1385 genes. 

Let us help you to select the right RNA sequencing workflow for your sample type and application.


Targeted gene expression analysis with RT-qPCR

For targeted gene expression studies for specific mRNA, microRNA or lncRNA genes or gene panels, off-the-shelf assays for almost all genes are available. In addition, a large number of gene expression panels (mRNA, microRNA and lncRNA) for a broad range of pathways and disease states are offered. For genes where no off-the-shelf assay is available, custom assays are developed using our proprietary and ISO17025 accredited primerXL design engine. Find out whether we have the right RT-qPCR assay or gene panel for your project.


  • in house designed and validated gene expression assays for all protein coding genes from human, mouse, rat and 10 other species: Arabidopsis, rice, chicken, cow, dog, pig, rabbit, rhesus monkey, yeast and zebrafish
  • more than 1000 unique predesigned panels for a broad range of pathways and disease states (e.g. immune response, hypoxia response, cardiovascular diseases, cancer)


  • assays for all microRNAs listed in the current version of miRBase
  • more than 20 biologically relevant microRNA panels


  • assays for 49,000 long non-coding RNAs listed in the current version of LNCipedia
  • more than 10 biologically relevant lncRNA panels


Our gene expression analysis solutions

  • any kind of sample: cells, tissues, FFPE, whole blood, PBMCs, plasma, serum, urine, CSF, stool, etc.
  • human, mouse, rat and 10 additional common model organisms
  • messenger RNA, microRNA and long non-coding RNA
  • including sample preparation: RNA extraction and quality control
  • genome-wide profiling using (small) RNA sequencing technology
  • targeted gene expression analysis for specific genes or gene panels with RT-qPCR using validated qPCR workflows
  • selection of suitable normalization strategy, including selection of reference genes
  • data processing using validated software: qbase+ for qPCR and Cobra for RNA sequencing
  • in an ISO17025 accredited and GCLP-compliant environment