Biogazelle offers innovative RNA research in a qualitative environment.
Here are our customers' answers when we ask why they choose Biogazelle:

why biogazelle


Extensive experience and expertise

  • Strong scientific background with more than a decade of expertise in gene expression analysis, supported by more than 20,000 citations of peer-reviewed articles. View our publications and presentations.
  • Internationally recognized for defining gene expression standards and for technology assessment
  • Optimized workflows for clinical samples, including FFPE and liquid biopsies
  • Worldwide largest and beyond industry standards track record in qPCR assay design
  • State-of-the art RNA sequencing, qPCR and digital PCR workflows in an ISO17025 certified and GCLP compliant environment
  • Processed thousands of (clinical) samples, addressing various research questions
  • Pioneers in the non-coding RNA field (microRNA and long non-coding RNA)



Tailored to your requirements

  • Cross-functional team of PhD level project managers and data analysis experts
  • Listen to your needs and specific scientific questions in order to provide the right solution
  • Guidance in experiment design and discussion of your data analysis needs
  • Open and quick communication
  • Agile project management
  • Quality, customer focused solutions and customer satisfaction are key